Caring for the environment is a priority for the Port of Maputo, both in terms of the impact of our activities and also as a fundamental factor in the sustainable development of our country. We work at the level of education (internally and externally), environmental impact reduction, monitoring and management activities, innovation for the environment, C02 reduction, initiatives to reduce plastic in the oceans, among many other initiatives.

Praia Zero is a partnership between environmental cooperative REPENSAR, MPDC, Heineken and the Municipality of Maputo to clean Costa do Sol beach in Maputo and establish a general public awareness to the importance of keeping it clean. The project has currently two components: a Recovery Center for glass and plastic, which buys to the general public and resells to selected suppliers in order to fund the project; and an educational component whereas “environmental educators” approach people on the beach to create awareness about littering.

The Port of Maputo handles diverse bulk minerals. Therefore, besides dust barriers and constant watering, finding creative ways to retain airborne mineral dust is fundamental to maintain a sustainable environment.
The Port has a continuous tree planting project, involving staff as volunteers.

The oceans are the reason why we exist, the medium that allows our business to proper. We must take action to preserve its biodiversity and the Port of Maputo leads, every year, awareness actions for the oceans conservation. From school lectures to exhibitions, from public awareness campaigns to beach plogging events, our commitment with keeping oceans clean is very strong.