The Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the third pilot boat for its maritime service fleet. Named “Baía”, this modern vessel was acquired with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the pilot service and further improving port operations.

With the capacity to meet the growing demand of the Port of Maputo, the “Baía” was designed to provide greater speed and safety in the process of berthing and unberthing ships. Its arrival represents an important milestone in the ongoing efforts to invest in infrastructure and technology to benefit the Port’s customers and partners.

“The acquisition of the new pilot boat is part of our growth and development strategy, and we are confident that it will make a significant contribution to strengthening the Port of Maputo’s position as one of the leading ports in the region,” said Executive Director Osório Lucas. “We will remain committed to offering high quality services and promoting excellence in all our maritime operations,” he reiterated.