
MPDC (Sociedade para o Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo), is committed to working towards an ultimate policy of zero harm to people and the environment. In pursuit of this, we will ensure that our business activities are conducted in a manner that avoids and minimizes adverse health, safety and environmental impacts. This Policy is the cornerstone of MPDC´s intentions on Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) issues and forms a critical part of our S&E Framework.


This Policy has been established on the basis that concern for the safety of our employees and guardianship of the environment are essential to the successful conduct and future growth of our business, while being in the best interest of each of the organization’s stakeholders.

MPDC follows the principle that safety is a condition of employment.

MPDC also recognizes its role in the supply chain and its contribution to climate change through the consumption of resources and the resulting emissions of green house gases. We consider that environmental protection and management (e.g. pollution prevention) is an important consideration in all our activities and commit to continually improving performance. This is reflected in MPDC policies, procedures, programmes and practices.

1) Policy Statement

To achieve the purposes and principles above, MPDC shall:

1.1. Comply with all local (i.e. national) health, safety and environmental legislation as a minimum. Where a International Standard exists which is more stringent than the local legislative requirement, then the International Standard shall prevail.

1.2. Identify and evaluate all health, safety and environmental hazards and establish controls and techniques to manage the associated risks to acceptable levels. Risk Assessments should be updated whenever significant change in the working environment has occurred. Additional and special emphasis will be given to controlling those hazards that represent the greatest potential for fatal injury, known as the “Fatal Risks”.

1.3. Establish and update, as appropriate health, safety and environmental objectives and measurable targets relevant to the impacts of MPDC’s activities in order to drive and demonstrate continual improvement.

1.4. Continue to initiate, develop, record, measure and communicate progress on health, safety and environmental performance throughout the organization

1.5. Work towards implementing health, safety and environmental management systems and complying with all aspects of the internationally-recognized certification systems OHSAS 18001 (on Safety Management Systems) and ISO 14001 (on Environmental Management Systems) to the level of “certification-ready” as a minimum POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.

1.6. Measure fuel and energy consumption accurately and consistently so that carbon emissions (i.e. carbon dioxide and other green house gases) can be quantified and strategies developed to manage them.

1.7. Prevent pollution as far as possible, and ensure proactive measures are in place to avoid events that cause significant impacts on the marine environment, terrestrial habitats and species.

1.8. Reduce emissions and wastes to water, air and land, and conserve resources on a like-for-like basis.

1.9. Require our contractors and visitors to comply with all site health, safety and environmental requirements and work with our partners to achieve comparable health, safety and environmental standards.

1.10. Supply, provide and maintain safe equipment.

1.11. Provide appropriate health, safety and environmental training for all staff at all levels.

1.12. Take a stance of zero tolerance of the conditions and behaviors that contribute to workplace incidents and environmental damage, which also have a negative impact to the business.

1.13. Provide resources in line with the priority the company places on health, safety and the environment.

1.14. Promote awareness of sustainability and the impacts of all business activities by considering health, safety and environmental factors in investment and purchasing decisions and provide guidance to all key functions of the company.

 2) Responsibility

In line with the Policy above, the following commitments are made:

2.1 All management will visibly and consistently uphold the principles and requirements of this Policy and integrate them throughout the company. The executive management team will regularly review health, safety and environmental performance.

2.2 The management and supervisory staff within the company will be responsible and held accountable for resourcing, implementing and maintaining the health, safety and environmental management system necessary to comply with this policy, and will be held fully accountable for compliance and performance.

2.3 Every employee whose work may create a significant health, safety and environmental impact will be trained and held accountable for complying with the principles of the policy and related standards, procedures, practices, instructions and rules.

Through the active participation and commitment of all MPDC employees and contractors, we will strive to meet and exceed the requirements of this Policy.