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The Port of Maputo is fully ISPS compliant, operating currently under MARSEC level 1

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Um projecto de emprego inclusivo

With this project MPDC intends, above all, to “normalize” disability, causing an impact on the whole of society, encouraging more companies to follow this example – that all people, regardless of their physical limitations, are entitled to equal opportunities of job.


MPDC donates material for heart surgery

Patients with injuries, deformities and diseases that affect the health of the heart and circulatory system have just seen their life expectancy renewed, following the delivery on February 12, by the company Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo (MPDC), of various materials for open heart surgeries at the Maputo Central Hospital (HCM). Open heart…

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Port of Maputo Demonstrates Resilience with 30.9 Million Tons in 2024 and increases level of contribution to the Government

The Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) announces its annual volumes for 2024, reporting a total volume of 30.9 million tons handled. While this represents a slight reduction of 1% compared to 2023, the Port of Maputo continued to show resilience and adaptability in the face of significant logistics challenges. MPDC’s direct operations demonstrated robust growth,…

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MPDC and MGT sign agreement to increase grain terminal capacity

Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) has signed a strategic agreement with Maputo Grain Terminal SA (MGT), in partnership with MEREC Industries, to significantly expand the capacity of the Port of Maputo’s grain terminal. This project aims to increase the terminal’s static capacity from the current 25,000 tons to 45,000 tons, representing an increase in installed…

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The Port of Maputo believes in leaving a legacy, ensuring that we imprint long-lasting benefits in our city Maputo, our country and the world we live in.

Our Services

Dry Dock and Repairs

Small drydock with maximum dimensions 80m X 12m; The dock entrance sill is 3.6m below chart zero; Mobile welding and repair services at all wharves; Diver services.

Ship Chandlers

Available, should be contacted via Ship Agents.


Heavy Fuel Oil, Marine Diesel Oil, Gas Oil and Lub Oils available.

Fresh Water

Available at most wharves and terminals.